Sunday, February 6, 2011

Remove Facial Warts Naturally-Home Remedies For Removing Warts

Common warts are growths on the skin caused by one of the 60 types of human papillomavirus (HPV) which attack the outer dermis and begin to rapidly grow. Did you know that there are home remedies for removing warts, and you can remove facial warts naturally?
Wart causing viruses are transmitted through direct contact with an infected individual or by touching something that an infected person has touched such as a door knob, a pencil or a counter top.
The virus may be transmitted and not cause a wart to form immediately. Viruses can remain viable outside of the human body for
quite some time, unlike human pathogenic bacteria. The virus will enter the skin through a cut or scrape. You can remove facial warts naturally with home remedies for removing warts .
These warts generally appear on the hands, but they may manifest on the arms, legs or face. They are ugly, embarrassing, and can spread on the body causing several other warts, so caution must be taken not to scratch them. Would you like to remove facial warts naturally?
When treating these warts, the original wart or "mother" be removed, as this will be the source of any further infection.
Some people seem to be more susceptible to having warts, and they tend to reappear from time to time.
Other Types of warts:
* Plantar warts: This type of wart usually appears as flesh-colored or light brown lumps that are flecked with small clotted
blood vessels on the soles of the feet.
* Genital Warts: Genital warts can appear in the pubic area, on the genitals, in the anus, and/or in the vagina. They often appear in clusters and may spread rapidly. HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in North America and certain forms of the virus can cause cervical cancer.

* Flat warts: is more common in teens and children, is smaller than other warts and generally occur on the face. Flat warts also can appear on the legs, especially among females. Wouldn't it be nice to remove facial warts naturally?

* Palmer warts: appear on the palms, generally on children. It is possible to treat warts naturally with home remedies for removing warts.
Medical Treatments:
* Freezing (cryotherapy): using liquid nitrogen to freeze a wart. A blister forms around the wart and the dead tissue falls off within about a week.
* Cantharidin: mixed with other chemicals and applied to the skin, forms a blister around the wart which lifts the wart off the skin so the dead portion of the wart can be removed.
* Bleomycin: is injected into a wart to kill a virus.
* Aldara: comes in the form of a prescription cream and is generally used for genital warts,
* Minor surgery: surgery may be used to cut away the wart.
* Laser surgery: laser is used to burn and destroy wart tissue It may be used for warts that are difficult to treat
Many warts can be removed with over the counter products from the local drugstore. These preparations contain salicylic acid:
*softens the skin around the wart so that it can be rubbed off.
*irritates the wart causing a heightened immune response to fight the virus.
Some compounds containing salicylic acid:
*Compound W Wart Remover
*Dr. Scholl's Clear Away
There are also natural remedies that have been found to help.
*The oral intake of zinc sulfate has resulted in the disappearance of warts.
*Applying garlic topically has been proven effective in clearing warts.
*The milky juice from the herb known as 'greater celandine' (Chelidonium majus) topically have also proven effective in clearing
up warts.
*Vitamin C supplement will help to improve immunity.
Although there is no absolute way of preventing warts, building up ones immunity with proper diet and rest along with taking ample amounts of Vitamin C, hand sanitizing and caution when in contact with an infected individual will definitely decrease your odds of infection. There is a way to remove facial warts naturally, or any other type of warts with Skin Tags How To Remove At Home?.

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