Sunday, January 23, 2011

Easy and Safe Removal of Unsightly Skin Tags

There are many people, both men and women, that are wondering how to get rid of skin tags. They are unsightly, can get irritated by friction or clothes, and are generally embarrassing to people that have them. They can basically pop up anywhere, such as the arms, face, neck, legs, or even genitalia. And going to the dermatologist or doctor to get them surgically removed can be expensive, invasive, and often times does not cure the problem.
What is a Skin Tag?
Many people don't even realize what one is. They can easily be mistaken for a wart or even a mole. They are a soft growth that appears on the skin, that is usually smaller than 2cm in size. They look like small bumps or lumps, and can be flat or rounded - or are sometimes attached to the skin by a stalk called a peduncle. They are normally the same color as the skin, or slightly darker.
When people spot a tag, they usually freak out and think it is cancer. However, skin tags are basically harmless. People usually get them removed because of cosmetic concerns or irritation caused by clothes or even intercourse.
How to Remove Skin Tags?
There are several methods to removing a skin tag. Some people would rather a professional dermatologist or physician remove it, however I always recommend trying natural removal methods first. Surgical removal can spell nasty bleeding or scarring that will affect you for the rest of your life. Some individuals even make the mistake of removing them by home clippers or scissors. This method is not only very dangerous and can introduce unwanted infections, it is usually temporary and they may grow back even larger.
A common method that is usually safe and fairly easy to perform is to tightly tie a small string or fishing line around the base of the tag. This essentially cuts off the blood supply of the skin tag and may promote it to die and fall off on its own.
Another relatively safe method is to attach duct tape directly on the tag. Keep it on for a few days and it may eventually fall off.
There are natural home remedies available that are not only cheaper than the latter method, the ingredients are usually widely available at a common grocery store. Side effects of natural methods are very rare, and usually topical medications permanently remove the skin tag.


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